Healing Through Connection

My Services
Healing Through Connection

Individual Counseling
People who engage in individual counseling typically want help addressing a specific issue. You might be someone living with debilitating anxiety, recovering from a devastating break-up, struggling with an unhealthy relationship to drugs and alcohol, or dealing with some other concern. Unlike conversations you may have with close family or friends, individual counseling provides the space for you to process whatever issues you face without fear of judgment. We would typically meet once a week (or less) and periodically review the progress you've made toward your goals for therapy.

Couples Counseling
Couples commonly seek counseling support for issues such as communication problems, sex and intimacy issues, parenting concerns, preparation for marriage, and recovery from infidelity. I will meet with you and your partner to assess your concerns, and the three of us will work together to help you achieve your vision for your relationship. Sometimes, one partner is more interested in counseling than the other. I believe the potential for success in couples therapy is greatest when both partners are interested and invested.

Family Counseling
Issues commonly addressed in family counseling include, but are not limited to: strained parent-child relationships, adjustment to changing family structure, coping with divorce and separation, or supporting a family member who is in recovery from unhealthy substance use. Ideally, all family members of concern will meet with me during each session. We will work together to identify underlying sources of family dysfunction, address unhelpful patterns of relating, facilitate communication and understanding, and achieve harmony within your family.