Healing Through Connection

Grigsby Counseling Services
Have you felt unlike yourself lately? Do you feel stuck in certain areas of your life? If so, I want to help. Let's work together to reconnect you to the parts of yourself that have been lost.
Therapy can be the first step of many on your path to recovery, fulfillment, and freedom.
Getting Started
I offer individual counseling, IFS consultation and training, and supervision for trainees and newly licensed professionals. Whether you want personal help for yourself, or assistance working with your clients, you'll find quality care and support here. To learn more about the services I offer, click on the links below.

For some people, the thought of engaging in counseling may be intimidating. That's understandable. Therapy can uncover things that are painful, or bring up vulnerability that feels uncomfortable. For others, the thought of therapy may seem absurd. I often hear people say, "I feel silly for seeing a therapist when others are going through problems that are much worse than mine. There are folks out there who really need help." I thought the same thing too, until I found a therapist of my own. Now, my mantra is: there are no problems too small for therapy. The truth is, we all could probably use some help from time to time. Sometimes, we just need mental and emotional tune-ups to help us stay well.

Don't Wait
There may be all sorts of reasons to put therapy off for another day, but I think you found your way here for a reason. Deep down, there's a part of you that's eager for some forward movement in your life. Don't ignore that feeling. Don't silence that inner voice. Some of my greatest decisions have been those informed by my intuition. If your gut is telling you that it's time to start your healing process, feel free to reach out.
Get Help Somewhere
If you're interested in counseling, but aren't sure that you want to work with me, that is also fine. I take that as a sign that your intuition is speaking to you, and you should trust your judgment about what will best meet your needs. Either way, don't let your reservations about working with me deter you from getting help, even if you get that help somewhere else. Contact a mental heath professional to start your journey toward healing today.

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment”
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